Welcome! We're excited to have you on the Mojo journey.
You can get started with a Free Mojo account by downloading the app using either of the links below:
As a free user, you can get a feel for what Mojo is all about and the type of experience you'll have with our Premium and Standard Memberships. In your free membership, we'd love for you to try:
- Mojospresso episode
- It's all about Confidence
- How to go on a Hero's journey
- How making sense of your life story can change your life
- Thank God You Asked That!
- Why go on the Mojo Leadership journey
- How to deal with Imposter Syndrome
- Perspective Short Course
- 20-minute exercise to help shift your perspective
- Car Chat's with Crowey
- Car Chats with Hamish Blake
Please reach out to our team at app@mojocrowe.com for more information on getting started or ask us about our memberships!